Arthur Criminal Defence and DUI Lawyer

Perrin Valli

Dedicated to your Defence.

Criminal charges in Arthur?


A positive and trusting lawyer-client relationship is key to an effective defence. Call or email to see if Perrin Valli is the right Arthur criminal defence lawyer for you. Perrin Valli can help if you are looking for an:

  • Arthur criminal defence lawyer

  • Arthur impaired driving and DUI lawyer

  • Arthur sexual assault lawyer

  • Arthur domestic assault lawyer

  • Arthur domestic violence lawyer

  • Arthur drug possession or trafficking lawyer.

Perrin Valli represents clients on all criminal charges at trial.

Perrin accepts legal aid certificates and payment plans.

More information about his fee-structures can be here.

If you were charged in Wellington County, you will likely have court in Guelph. Perrin operates out of his Guelph office and assists clients in the Arthur area and throughout Wellington County.

Strong legal representation for every Arthur client

If you have been charged with a crime in the Arthur area, and need the help of a criminal defence lawyer to represent you, call Perrin Valli. Perrin offers free consultations to all Arthur-area clients.

Good people get charged with criminal charges and are frequently accused of false or exaggerated claims.

Perrin understands how detrimental the consequences of a criminal conviction in Arthur can be. Perrin has practiced in Wellington county and the Arthur area since 2013. He has special local knowledge on the Wellington County criminal courts and its processes and contacts with local community supports and resources.

If you have been charged with a criminal offence in Canada, you have a right to a trial. The prosecution bears the burden of proving each element of each charge on proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Only a voluntary guilty plea can absolve the prosecution of that burden.

Perrin works closely with each of his clients to formulate an effective defence strategy tailored to the unique circumstances of each case. To do so, he reviews the evidence and interviews his clients. He often retains experts or private investigators to assist in developing the defence. Perrin negotiates with the prosecution and if the prosecution will not agree to an acceptable solution, Perrin proceeds to trial to convince the court of his client’s defence.

Hiring a criminal lawyer early in the process can often be the difference between conviction and acquittal. Mistakes or missteps by unrepresented suspects early in the investigative stages or a the time of arrest often have devastating affects on a future trial. Having the early support and advice of a lawyer with an understanding of the law, police investigative processes and the criminal trial process increases your odds of success.